Up and coming country music artist with a bit of Kenny Chesney, Mark Chestnut, Tim McGraw, Jimmy Buffet, and a few other surprises scattered throughout. Includes Simple Girl, Southern Girls, and El Capitan.
Jake McGrew's follow up to "Simple Girls" is a collection of fun new country music. You'll find a taste of Jimmy Buffet, Kenny Chesney, and even a small hint of Johnny Cash in the strong Nashville flavor of this encore CD.
Jake McGrew's most mature music collection -- and what was supposed to be his final one. Includes the hits Time Heals and Stud Muffin.
Superstar Country Music artist Jake McGrew delivers his fourth studio album including the hits "Words Ain't Enough," "Pandora," and "Up."
The CD cover photo is from Jake's 20th birthday, taken in a North Philadelphia parking lot in the Hunting Park section of the city. A minute after this photo was taken, Jake's Malibu Classic was stolen at gunpoint. "It sure hasn't been an easy life, but I sure learned how to run. Real fast like." Jake bought a bad-ass bicycle afterwards that was stolen a week later. Jake moved to Rio De Janero a few months later.
Jake's kids have adopted all kinds of phrases like "that was crisp," "dope," and "greasy." But Jake's favorite was when his daughter told him his eyebrows were "on fleek." That term resonated with him for some reason. Jake still has no idea what that means, but he assumes being "on fleek" is a good thing.
Produced by Chuck Fresh and Olivia Black at CCC Studios in Melbourne, Florida.